Welcome To Jewish HomeSchool Information

Dear Homeschooling Parent

Welcome to the joys of homeschooling your child! This is a journey worth traveling!

If you are from the many parents in New York State who are trying to gain back control over your child and his education, homeschooling maybe the only choice for you. With all of the government rules, regulations and requirements you may initially  get overwhelmed from the undertaking. 

We at at JH Info are here to help, you are not alone!

We put together a complete guide with everything you need to know. Click here for more information on the JH Info guide.

The most important thing to know about homeschooling, is that a parent who homeschools is thereby undertaking full responsibility for their child’s education. This means that the parent must comply with the State’s requirements and submit the necessary reports and tests to the State. Even if the child gets partially educated at a co-op, it is still the parent’s responsibility to send in all required forms. While our organization is here to support you in every way, ultimately you will have to invest the effort to understand the process and fulfill your obligations satisfactorily.

Don’t become intimidated by the terms and requirements.

Once you get the hang of it, it will seem much simpler.